getting rid of stretch marks permanently 2013 07

Rrezore | Rrezore | 17.01.09 | 11:52

d and proper care for your skin and hormonal imbalances. This article is basically written to teach on 10 basic treatments of acne that can deal with any form of acne no matter the severity of the disease. The basic treatment tips are:(1)Get a clove of fresh garlic and rub it on the acne spot. The acne will disappear without leaving a mark How to Remove Stretch Marks if this is done regularly for some time.(2)Mix some quantity of lemon juice with cinnamon powder. Then apply it to the acne spot and it will disappear.(3)Grind a nutmeg to powder and mix it raw milk. Apply it to the affected area and watch the acne disappear like a magic without leaving a spot.(4)Mix honey with cinnamon powder to form a paste. Then apply the paste to the affected area before you sleep at night and wash it away the next morning with warm water. Do this for the next 2 weeks and How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast watch your acne spots disappear.(5)Prepare a mixture of fresh lemon juice and rose water and a


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